
After the turn of the millennium, the theatre opened to young creators who realized several successful projects there. The year 2003 is crucial, when after having directed several productions in the 1990s there (for example, the successful production of Maryša in 1995), the director Vladimír Morávek returns to the Goose on a String Theatre. He began his work with the first part of the cycle Sto roků kobry (One Hundred Years of Cobra), called Raskolnikov - jeho zločin a trest (Raskolnikov - His Crime and His Punishment). Sto roků kobry was a four-part project consisting of four productions based on dramatizations of F. M. Dostoevsky's novels. In 2005, Vladimír Morávek became the new artistic director of the theatre and announced the beginning of a new era with Sedm žlutých praporů aneb Nová smlouva (Seven Yellow Flags AKA New Deal) festival.

A year later, the theatre's major staging deed, an 11-hour scenic fresco by Dostoyevsky called Svlékání z kůže (Undressing from the Skin), premiered as a part of the Idioti na Provázku aneb Evropské dny Fjodora Michajloviče Dostojevského (Idiots on a String festival, the European days of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky) festival. In 2008, The Goose on a String Theatre entered its 40th anniversary season, which culminated in the final part of the project Perverze v Čechách (Perversion in Bohemia), a stage montage of Václav Havel's texts called Cirkus Havel aneb My všichni jsme Láďa (Circus Havel, we all are Láďa). After another of the productions of this project called České moře (The Czech Sea), a whole season devoted exclusively to Czech titles gained its name.

The director Vladimír Morávek commited himself, throughout his time in the theatre, to long-term thematic projects, among which one can name the cycles Čapek na provázku (Čapek on a String), Géniové a podvodníci (Geniuses and Deceivers) or Smějící se bestie (Laughing Beasts). His last project was a three-part series called O naší současné krizi a Jak z toho ven (About Our Current Crisis and How to Get Out of It). In 2017, Vladimír Morávek left the position of artistic director of the Goose on a String Theatre, and after a short transitional supervision of his dramaturge Miroslav Oščatka, Anna Davidová stepped in his place. At the end of the 2020/21 season, dramaturge Martin Sládeček replaced her at this position.

Artistic directors: Luboš Balák (2002-2005), Vladimír Morávek (2005-2017), Miroslav Oščatka (2018), Anna Davidová (2019-2021), Martin Sládeček (2021-present)